Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Somebody-Body-Nobody by Re-United Now-Here at L'Atelier des Vertus, Paris August 30

Live performance Somebody-Body-Nobody by Re-United Now-Here with Sakurako & Thibaut Cora was especially made for an opening of the exhibition Dessein curated by Shahriar Beheshti featuring paintings by the Korean artist Sunim Koh at the gallery L'Atelier des Vertus in Paris on August 30th.

Gina and George interact with the audience (the visitors of the exhibition) during the opening when all of a sudden without prior announcement they just stop in the door frame dividing the audience inside and outside the gallery and start undressing, folding their clothes, shows and wigs in front of them. The bodies liberated from the "social mask" start to move... until they find some pots with black and white paint. They further  each of them keeps on moving apply one kind of  paint on the body  until they meet. They interact applying paint on each other until the stop creating one body our of two balck and white painted bodies for a moment. Then they separate again moving in the space until they come to the full stop.  The performance is created in a dialog with th epaintings by Sunim Koh, where black and white lines abstractly depict distorted human figures together within the representational figurative picture. The theme of yin & yang  is central to the paintings and well as the performance.

Company:Re-United Now-Here
Concept: Inga Cholmogorova
Butoh Dance: Sakurako & Thibaut Cora
Sound:Phil Von 
Photography: Meloman Akram 

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Sound & Butoh Night # 4 with KEN MAI at Oostblok Theatre Amsterdam 30/05/14

Yet another successful Sound& Butoh Night edition (4th) with full house took place on May 30th at the Oostblok Theatre in Amsterdam starring a special quest Ken Mai (JP/FI), Sakurako (NL) and duet of  Kristien Sonnevijlle (NL) and Kasia Zejmo (PL). 

A world famous butoh artist Ken Mai (originally from Kyoto based in Helsinki) works world-wide and performs at the top festivals and in various acclaimed venues and teaches his method of body/mind/spirit training. 

During Sound& Butoh Night 4th edition in Oostblok Theatre, Ken Mai was performing live fro the first time in the Netherlands with an Amsterdam premiere of his newest solo Dhyana/Meditation/静慮, which was premiered on May 16th & 17th at the Tenri in Paris. 
Further on the program was the newest creation by Sakurako of her solo "Banzai!" 万歳
and a subbody butoh duet of Kristien Sonnevijlle and Kasia Zejmo presenting their piece "Mudness". 

Overall it was a rich evenning with three interesting and different works in the intimate theatre of Oostblok followed by drinks at the theatre's bar and possibility to meet the artists. 

                                                     Sakurako solo "Banzai!" 万歳

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Sound & Butoh Night # 4 with KEN MAI at Oostblok Theatre Amsterdam 30/05/14 and workshop

Sound& Butoh Night 4th edition will take place on May 30th at the Oostblok Theatre in amsterdam with a special quest ken Mai (JP/FI) and other (inter) national artists. 
Tickets are available online at www.oostblok.nl Online 11 eur, at the door 13 eur. Limited places available and therefore the advanced reservations are suggested to guarantee the place during the event. 
A woorld famous butoh artist Ken MAi (originally from Kyoto based in Helsinki) works worl-wide and performs at the top festivals and in varuous acclaimed venues and teaches his method of body/mind/spirit training. 

Ken Mai will be performing in Amsterdam for the first time and on May 30th Ken Mai will present his newest solo Dhyana/Meditation/静慮. (Premiere in Paris May  16th & 17th at the Tenri in Paris) and will lead the intense butoh workshop May 31 - June1. 

Sound& Butoh Night will present Ken Mai's newest solo Dhyana/Meditation/静慮 and premiere  Sakurako's solo Banzai! as well as a duet sub-body butoh performance by Kristien Sonnevijlle and Kasia Zejmo!!! 

May 31st - June 1st there is a unique opportunity to train with the master during an intense 2 days butoh workshop led by ken Mai at the studio at NDSM Amsterdam Noord. This 2 days intense body/mind/spirit training is developed by ken Mai and based on various martial arts and butoh techniques to discover an authentic movement and voice to be able to translate it into a dance. The workshop is open for all levels and no prior dance or singing background needed, however the professionals will be challenged accordingly! Registration at gina.hillberg@gmail.com 

Ken Mai and students during his workshop in Russia.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Sound & Butoh Night 4 with Ken Mai (JP/FI) 30/05/14

After first three editions in 2013 Sound& Butoh Nigh #4 is coming up in Amsterdam at OOSГЫOK (http://oostblok.nl) on Friday Night MAY 30th in 2014. The program will feature some amazing talents in contemporary experimental music and dance, including a newest creation by Sakurako (www.cholmogorova.com) for the first time performed in Europe in 2014 after her return from Japan and a piece by Re-United Now-Here. The special quest this time with a solo performance premier in Amsterdam is a world famous butoh artist and master Ken Mai (JP/FI).  

Ken Mai teaches world-wide and performs in various acclaimed venues and prestigious festivals around the globe. Ken Mai. He is originally from Kyoto and resides in Helsinki. More about Ken Mai  at  www.kenmaibutoh.com.

                                                                    Photo: Alisa Gill

After the performance night there will also a possibility to train with the master! An intensive  weekend workshop led by Ken Mai led will take place at the Dance studio at NDSM, Amsterdam Noord. The body/mind/spirit and dance/voice training is open to all levels of participants, people without any butoh or dance/singing experience as well as experienced dancers/performers are welcome and will be challenged accordingly. The special feature of the intense training by Ken Mai that besides movement there is also emphasis on the voice, so as the participants are encouraged and guided to unlock and find their authentic movement they will also discover the hidden potentials of their voice! Limited places available for the registration please contact gina.hillberg@gmail.com.

Sound&Butoh Night 3 VIdeo Documentation

Video by Itai Cohen. This is a a short video about Sound& Butoh Night 3 in Amsterdam in November 2013 and the "Body Resonance" ws by Yumiko Yoshioka.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sound & Butoh Night 3 with Yumiko Yoshioka (JP/DE) 10/11/13

Sound & Butoh Night is an event combining live music, performances, theatre, dance and video. The 3rd edition of Sound & Butoh Night in Amsterdam is taking place in the Theatre de Camleon on November 10th, presents a group performance “Party Animals” by “Re-United Now-Here”, solo performances by Sakurako (cello Christian Tan), Tashi Iwaoka, a duet JuJuMechanix from NYC and a special guest, legendary butoh master Yumiko Yoshioka (JP/DE) performing live in Amsterdam for the first time. 

Born in Tokyo Yumiko Yoshioka is one of the pioneer female dancers who for the first time performed butoh outside of Japan. Yumiko Yoshioka is a world famous art director, choreographer, dancer working and teaching her method worldwide. Since 1988 she resides in Germany, where in 1995 she founded the art-formation group “Ten Pen Chii art labor” together with visual artist Joachim Manger (DE) and music composer Zam Johnson (USA).

“Butoh (dance) for me activates divergent body energies that are usually not seen or permitted in our daily life. In other words, as our body is a receptacle of time, we can evoke its forgotten memories through dance. Butoh has the intensity to trigger that process, because it creates heat through friction and cold through stillness. The transformations and concentrations of dancing break up the eggshell of form, melt down our armor of ego, as our stiff cells and sealed memories float in the primal liquid of time.”

“Re-United Now-Here” is a nomadic artistic collaborative initiative led by conceptual/visual artist and performer Inga Cholmogorova (butoh stage name Sakurako). A group performance “Party Animals” is a result of the collaboration with the participants of the intense butoh and organic movement workshop “Body Resonance” led by Yumiko Yoshioka, the performance concept and directing/choreography by Inga Cholmogorova.

Dorr open: 20:30, Performance: 21:00, entrance 10 eur.

Tashi Iwaoka

Yumiko Yoshioka


Sakurako & Re-United Now-Here

Photography & Graphic design: Justina Nekrasaite