Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Somebody-Body-Nobody by Re-United Now-Here at L'Atelier des Vertus, Paris August 30

Live performance Somebody-Body-Nobody by Re-United Now-Here with Sakurako & Thibaut Cora was especially made for an opening of the exhibition Dessein curated by Shahriar Beheshti featuring paintings by the Korean artist Sunim Koh at the gallery L'Atelier des Vertus in Paris on August 30th.

Gina and George interact with the audience (the visitors of the exhibition) during the opening when all of a sudden without prior announcement they just stop in the door frame dividing the audience inside and outside the gallery and start undressing, folding their clothes, shows and wigs in front of them. The bodies liberated from the "social mask" start to move... until they find some pots with black and white paint. They further  each of them keeps on moving apply one kind of  paint on the body  until they meet. They interact applying paint on each other until the stop creating one body our of two balck and white painted bodies for a moment. Then they separate again moving in the space until they come to the full stop.  The performance is created in a dialog with th epaintings by Sunim Koh, where black and white lines abstractly depict distorted human figures together within the representational figurative picture. The theme of yin & yang  is central to the paintings and well as the performance.

Company:Re-United Now-Here
Concept: Inga Cholmogorova
Butoh Dance: Sakurako & Thibaut Cora
Sound:Phil Von 
Photography: Meloman Akram 

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